Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bell and Company Employees make a Trip to Haiti

June 1, 2010

Kelly Phillips and Deanna Lovelady went on a trip to Haiti. We headed with 27 bags full of school supplies bound for a school located in a remote village in Seguin. Where we handed out 400 school boxes that contained a ruler, pencils, sharpeners, scizzors, glue stick, crayons, a coloring book and various other items that we collected and stuck in the boxes. We also have the pleasure of working with the Seguin Cloud Forrest free medical clinic in which Dr. Clayton Bell is managing for a year. This was a trip of a lifetime and to see the looks on the kids faces as they received their school supplies is something we will never forget. If you would like more information on our trip or the chairty in which Clayton has formed go to

Or feel free to e-mail us at We would love to tell you more about our trip and adventures in Haiti.

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